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The small oil press machine is a kind of automatic hydraulic press, simple and convenient, relatively inexpensive.
1, After every 50 hours, you should check lubrication, gear box oil cup above shall not be short of oil, extra virgin screw shaft to adjust the screw bearing adjustment screw hole should be a class butter filling, dry grinding is strictly prohibited.
2, You should prevent the intrusion of dust and other impurities in the oil part of each run, the annual need to check the gearbox oil quality time, detect deterioration, replace all the oil.
3, When the press was reduced, the cake or the oil is not normal, should be pressing screw shaft is removed, check the pressing screw, cage bars, wear a cake circle, worn parts should be replaced.
4, After using, you should remove the residual cake machine, machine clean surface dirt, grease.
5, When the end of the production season after long-term storage, maintenance should be carried out once and pressing screw, cage bars, a donut and washable re-oiled, dry place.